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Press Releases

Press Releases

CUHK Study Reveals High Salt Intake Will Lead to High Blood Pressure and Higher Risk of Stroke

Stroke is the leading cause of severe disability and deaths worldwide, though it is largely preventable. In Hong Kong, stroke is the fourth leading cause of death and the most common cause of physical dependency, accounting for more than 20,000 hospital admissions and 3,000 deaths every year. It is estimated that the medical expenditure incurred directly and indirectly in stroke patients aged 65 or above amounted to HK$8 billion in 2010, and will increase to HK$22 billion by 2036.


(from left) Dr. CHAN Suk Mei Ruth, Research Associate; Professor YU Ho Yan Ruby, Research Assistant Professor; and Prof. SEA Man Mei Mandy, Assistant Professor (by Courtesy), Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, and Centre Manager, Centre for Nutritional Studies, CUHK present the findings of their study that high salt level will lead to high blood pressure and higher risk of stroke, and recommend that reducing salt intake is the simplest and the most cost-effective way to prevent stroke

(from left) Dr. CHAN Suk Mei Ruth, Research Associate; Professor YU Ho Yan Ruby, Research Assistant Professor; and Prof. SEA Man Mei Mandy, Assistant Professor (by Courtesy), Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, and Centre Manager, Centre for Nutritional Studies, CUHK present the findings of their study that high salt level will lead to high blood pressure and higher risk of stroke, and recommend that reducing salt intake is the simplest and the most cost-effective way to prevent stroke.

According to the research findings of the Faculty of Medicine at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Hong Kong people have excessive salt intake of 10g per day in average, far exceeding the maximum daily intake of 5g per day proposed by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Evidence showed that reducing salt intake can prevent thousands of deaths from stroke and heart attack every year.

Stroke is classified into ischemic (blockage of blood vessels in the brain) or hemorrhagic (ruptured blood vessels with bleeding inside the brain). In the past decade, although ischemic stroke incidence had been declining, incidence of hemorrhagic stroke did not decline but showed a rising trend in the middle age group (aged 35 to 44). This might be due to the increasing prevalence of hypertension by approximately 60% between 1995 and 2004, which is one of the most important risk factors for stroke and is responsible for two thirds (62%) of all strokes. Many medical papers have suggested that salt is not only a major factor that raises blood pressure, but also a risk factor leading to stroke incidence.

CUHK research team suggests that reducing salt intake is the simplest and the most cost-effective way to prevent stroke. People can eat less salt by reading food labels, choosing low-salt food and ingredients, and avoiding adding salt during cooking or having meals.


Prof. SEA Man Mei Mandy (right 1st), Assistant Professor (by Courtesy), Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, and Centre Manager, Centre for Nutritional Studies, CUHK expresses that Hong Kong people have excessive salt intake of 10g per day in average, far exceeding the maximum daily intake of 5g per day proposed by the World Health Organisation (WHO)

Prof. SEA Man Mei Mandy (right 1st), Assistant Professor (by Courtesy), Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, and Centre Manager, Centre for Nutritional Studies, CUHK expresses that Hong Kong people have excessive salt intake of 10g per day in average, far exceeding the maximum daily intake of 5g per day proposed by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

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International collaboration
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International collaboration
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Clinical service
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Awards and honors
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CUHK Conducts Hong Kong’s First Study on Seven Common Respiratory Viruses Revealing Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Influenza A as Prevalent Fatal Types

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CUHK Screening Reveals 1 in 3 Older Adults in Community Suffer Brain Small Vessel Disease, Early Prevention Recommended

Clinical service
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CUHK Introduces High Frequency Oscillations to Determine Resection Margin Increases the Effectiveness of Complex Epilepsy Surgery by around 30%

Surgical advancement
CUHK Highlights the Significance of Hospital Infection Control System in Controlling MERS

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CUHK Advocates Stringent Control of Cardiovascular Risks for Reopening of Narrowed Brain Arteries - A New Paradigm to Prevent Recurrent Stroke (Available in Chinese only)

CUHK Advocates Stringent Control of Cardiovascular Risks for Reopening of Narrowed Brain Arteries - A New Paradigm to Prevent Recurrent Stroke (Available in Chinese only)

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CUHK Latest Research Reveals over 100,000 New Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Cases in Hong Kong Annually

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CUHK Study Reveals Peer Support Can Reduce Hospital Admission of Distressed Diabetes Patients

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Clinical service
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Health Campaign
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Clinical service
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CUHK Announces Latest Medical Treatment for Minor Stroke

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Health Campaign
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CUHK Pioneers the Use of 3D Echocardiography to Identify At-Risk Mitral Valve Prolapse Patients

CUHK Pioneers the Use of 3D Echocardiography to Identify At-Risk Mitral Valve Prolapse Patients

CUHK Advocates Palliative Care for Advanced Dementia Patients with Swallowing Problems

CUHK Advocates Palliative Care for Advanced Dementia Patients with Swallowing Problems

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CUHK Launches Territory-wide Sleep Health Education Campaign to Promote Healthy Sleep and Healthy School Life

Health Campaign
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CUHK and HKU's Collaborative Research Discovers Novel Epilepsy Genetic Markers

CUHK Advocates Early Detection of Chronic Kidney Diseases Joined by Leading Nephrologists to Make Sound Recommendations

CUHK Advocates Early Detection of Chronic Kidney Diseases Joined by Leading Nephrologists to Make Sound Recommendations

CUHK Proves the Potent Efficacy of Stenting for Carotid Artery Narrowing and Cardiac Contractility Modulation for Heart Failure

CUHK Proves the Potent Efficacy of Stenting for Carotid Artery Narrowing and Cardiac Contractility Modulation for Heart Failure

Three CUHK Scholars Named Croucher Senior Research Fellow 2011-12

Three CUHK Scholars Named Croucher Senior Research Fellow 2011-12

Awards and honors
CUHK Research Findings on Severe Human Swine Flu in Hong Kong

CUHK Research Findings on Severe Human Swine Flu in Hong Kong


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