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Press Releases
CUHK Launches World’s First Study on Ovum Ageing and Female Infertility by Using Single-Cell Genomics Technology

CUHK Launches World’s First Study on Ovum Ageing and Female Infertility by Using Single-Cell Genomics Technology

Ovum quality is a crucial factor for conception and proper embryo development, and is inversely correlated to age.  According to international data, at least 1% of women suffer from premature reproductive ageing which can lead to fertility problems or premature menopause.  In view of this, the Faculty of Medicine of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has been experimenting with the use of single-cell genomics technology to test oocyte quality.  By using this technology, the ageing signature, in terms of aberrant changes on RNA and DNA level from a single oocyte, is decoded to find clues for reproductive ageing and corresponding treatments.  Tests have been performed on mice and human samples. The research team is going to launch the world’s first comprehensive study and a community oocyte donation programme.


Advanced maternal age becomes prevalent in Hong Kong. Ovum quality test helps increase successful pregnancy rate and reduce risk to embryo


Delayed marriage and parenthood have become increasingly common in Hong Kong. Data of the Census and Statistics Department of the HKSAR Government in 2012 showed that the overall median childbearing age of women rose from 27 in 1981 to 31.9 thirty years later. The trend predicts that more than half of mothers will be classified as of ‘advanced maternal age’ in the near future, giving birth at the age of 35 or above.  Despite advancement in medical science, women with advanced maternal age still have to bear a higher risk in pregnancy, or a higher chance of fetus malformation. As reproductive potential in women declines with age, some women look for an assisting method such as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) to fulfil their hopes.


Prof. Tin Chiu LI, Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine at CUHK said, ‘Although IVF raises the chance of pregnancy for women with advanced maternal age, there is not yet any precise ovum quality test available, which leads to unnecessary procedures and increases the risk of having a poor embryo for the patients.  Young women may also encounter reproductive premature ageing which makes it more difficult for them to get pregnant or leads to premature menopause.’


Prof. Tin Chiu LI, Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine says there is not yet any precise ovum quality test available.

Prof. Tin Chiu LI, Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine says there is not yet any precise ovum quality test available. 


Cracking the mystery of oocyte ageing through ‘Single-cell genomic technology’


The School of Biomedical Sciences and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the Faculty of Medicine at CUHK has started the study of implementing ‘single-cell genomics’ to test oocyte quality.  The research team has successfully obtained complete genomic maps with a single mouse oocyte.  A preliminary experiment found that there is a significant difference in the genomic signatures in aged versus young oocyte. The second stage experiment was then performed in human samples and got the same outcome.


Prof. Tin Lap LEE, Associate Professor of the School of Biomedical Sciences explained, ‘Through the experiments casted on lab mice and human samples, we believe “single-cell genomics technology” will provide the most precise oocyte quality test in the near future.  It helps giving clues to genetic diseases or defects which will lead to infertility or premature ageing, and allow identification of novel treatment options.  We will focus on result validation at the third stage, and hope to put the technology in clinical practice in the near future.’


Prof. Tin Lap LEE, Associate Professor of the School of Biomedical Sciences says ‘single-cell genomics technology’ helps identify the genomic signatures leading to ovum ageing.

Prof. Tin Lap LEE, Associate Professor of the School of Biomedical Sciences says ‘single-cell genomics technology’ helps identify the genomic signatures leading to ovum ageing.

Prof. Tin Lap LEE, Associate Professor of the School of Biomedical Sciences says ‘single-cell genomics technology’ helps identify the genomic signatures leading to ovum ageing.

Prof. Tin Lap LEE, Associate Professor of the School of Biomedical Sciences says ‘single-cell genomics technology’ helps identify the genomic signatures leading to ovum ageing.


A public donation programme launched to activate the world’s first comprehensive research in reproductive ageing


CUHK is now launching a ‘public oocyte donation programme’, looking for female volunteers aged between 30 and 45 to join the third stage of the experiment.  Professor LEE added, ‘If we succeed in finding donors to activate the research programme, the exercise will not only help infertile couples but also lead to new clues on premature reproductive ageing, so as to generate better family planning or prepare for premature menopause.’


Interested volunteers can call the hotline 3943-4436 or email to to join the programme.


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CUHK and Queen Mary University of London lead largest international trial of time-lapse imaging systems for embryo incubation in IVF Technology found to enjoy no advantage over conventional methods

CUHK Pioneers Whole Genome Sequencing for Identifying the Chromosomal Abnormalities in Couples with Recurrent Miscarriages

CUHK Pioneers Whole Genome Sequencing for Identifying the Chromosomal Abnormalities in Couples with Recurrent Miscarriages

Chinese Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome have 4-fold Higher Risk of Developing Diabetes

Chinese Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome have 4-fold Higher Risk of Developing Diabetes

CUHK Validates the Enhanced UK Fetal Medicine Foundation’s Triple Test Can Double the Detection Rate of Preterm Preeclampsia in Asian Pregnant Women

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CUHK Pioneers Whole Genome Sequencing for Prenatal Diagnosis in Hong Kong

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CUHK-led Study Reveals Novel Mechanism for the Development of Atherosclerosis Setting New Treatment Directions to Cardiovascular Diseases

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CUHK/International Study Implicates a Gene in Alzheimer’s disease

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CUHK and US Experts Collaborate to Provide Clinical Genetic Training to Set up The Territory's First One-Stop Outpatient Genetic Clinic

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International collaboration
CUHK unveils novel therapeutic targets and drug repurposing opportunities  for endometriosis

CUHK unveils novel therapeutic targets and drug repurposing opportunities for endometriosis

CU Medicine develops the Metagenome-Assembled Genome Inventory for Children (MAGIC) to promote early-life microbiome research

CU Medicine develops the Metagenome-Assembled Genome Inventory for Children (MAGIC) to promote early-life microbiome research

CUHK leads multi-centre Asian study showing that an early screen-and-prevent strategy for preterm preeclampsia is effective at lowering risk of complications for high-risk women by 41%  Pilot service at Prince of Wales Hospital showed promising outcome

CUHK leads multi-centre Asian study showing that an early screen-and-prevent strategy for preterm preeclampsia is effective at lowering risk of complications for high-risk women by 41% Pilot service at Prince of Wales Hospital showed promising outcome

CUHK develops a 3D-printable bioactive material and other technologies to treat large-to-massive tendon injuries

CUHK develops a 3D-printable bioactive material and other technologies to treat large-to-massive tendon injuries

Can animals count?  Neuroscientists at CityUHK and CUHK resolve long-standing debate

Can animals count? Neuroscientists at CityUHK and CUHK resolve long-standing debate

CUHK study estimates half of COVID-19 infections went unrecognised during the Omicron epidemic in Hong Kong

CUHK study estimates half of COVID-19 infections went unrecognised during the Omicron epidemic in Hong Kong

A CU Medicine-Baylor College of Medicine collaborative study reveals for the first time that variations in DHX9 underlie human neurodevelopmental disorders

A CU Medicine-Baylor College of Medicine collaborative study reveals for the first time that variations in DHX9 underlie human neurodevelopmental disorders

Health Bureau visits CU Medicine to tour advanced medical and education facilities and meet faculty and students

Health Bureau visits CU Medicine to tour advanced medical and education facilities and meet faculty and students

Medical education
CU Medicine’s Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Unit preserves the reproductive ability of cancer patients in Hong Kong

CU Medicine’s Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Unit preserves the reproductive ability of cancer patients in Hong Kong

Inauguration of CUHK’s S.H. Ho Research Centre for Infectious Diseases

Inauguration of CUHK’s S.H. Ho Research Centre for Infectious Diseases

CUHK and FPAHK launch the Jockey Club Genetic Carrier Screening Programme for High Risk Couples

CUHK and FPAHK launch the Jockey Club Genetic Carrier Screening Programme for High Risk Couples

Health Campaign
CUHK unravels the world’s most comprehensive genome profile of the American cockroach and reveals novel cockroach allergens for the development of precision immunotherapy

CUHK unravels the world’s most comprehensive genome profile of the American cockroach and reveals novel cockroach allergens for the development of precision immunotherapy

CUHK discovers a neural architecture that facilitates the formation of associative memory, providing the basis for a deeper understanding of memory and its impairment in brain disorders

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CUHK finds that a booster vaccine dose is effective in retriggering antibodies in breast milk that protect babies

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CUHK unveils the evolutionary history of medically important mites, laying the genomics groundwork for diagnosis of and intervention in mite allergy

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Study by CUHK medical students identifies STK3 kinase as a driver in gastric cancer

Study by CUHK medical students identifies STK3 kinase as a driver in gastric cancer

CUHK-HKU-UCL study unravels how gene mutation leads to congenital megacolon providing clues for the development of novel therapeutic strategies

CUHK-HKU-UCL study unravels how gene mutation leads to congenital megacolon providing clues for the development of novel therapeutic strategies

CUHK-Baylor Study Proves Aspirin Reduces the Risk of Preeclampsia by Decelerating the Metabolic Clock of Gestation

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CUHK Uncovers a New Strategy to Turn “Cold” Liver Tumour “Hot” Leading to an Effective and Durable Combined Immunotherapy

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CU Medicine Study Shows Recovered Mothers Transfer COVID-19 Antibodies to Newborn Babies

CU Medicine Study Shows Recovered Mothers Transfer COVID-19 Antibodies to Newborn Babies

CU Medicine and International Surgeons Suggest Patients with Positive COVID-19 Results Should Delay Surgery for Seven Weeks to Reduce Death Risk

CU Medicine and International Surgeons Suggest Patients with Positive COVID-19 Results Should Delay Surgery for Seven Weeks to Reduce Death Risk

International collaboration
CUHK and International Experts in Diabetes Care Joined Hands for Four Years Developing a Multicomponent, Integrated Strategy for Diabetes under The Lancet

CUHK and International Experts in Diabetes Care Joined Hands for Four Years Developing a Multicomponent, Integrated Strategy for Diabetes under The Lancet

International collaboration
CU Medicine Studies Highlight Smoking as a Contributing Factor for Bladder Cancer and  Develop an International Collaborative Consensus on En Bloc Resection to Treat the Disease

CU Medicine Studies Highlight Smoking as a Contributing Factor for Bladder Cancer and Develop an International Collaborative Consensus on En Bloc Resection to Treat the Disease

CUHK Successfully Performed World’s First Colorectal Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection  Using Flexible Endoscopic Robotic System

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Surgical advancement
A Joint Study by CUHK, PolyU and Western Sydney University Discovers how the Nervous System of Human Runners Generates More Energetically Efficient Running Forms

A Joint Study by CUHK, PolyU and Western Sydney University Discovers how the Nervous System of Human Runners Generates More Energetically Efficient Running Forms

CUHK Proves Modified HIFU Treatment Effective for Treating Uterine Fibroids

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Insights into B-cells and GPR18 Gene Expression by CU Medicine team  Improve Prediction of Survival in Multiple Cancer Types

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CUHK Researchers Uncover Diabetes as a Potential Risk Factor for COVID-19,  and Possible Mechanisms

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CUHK Study Discovers Brain Circuitry That Generates Behavioural Responses to Stress Provide a Basis for Probing Abnormal Repetitive Behaviour Exhibited in Brain Disorders

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CU Medicine Team Discovers a Novel Prognostic Biomarker for a Doubled Survival in Head and Neck Cancer

CU Medicine Team Discovers a Novel Prognostic Biomarker for a Doubled Survival in Head and Neck Cancer

CU Medicine Announces the Community Response Study Results During the Early Phase of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Hong Kong

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The Helmsley Charitable Trust Funds Asian Research into Babies’ Gut Microbiota and Crohn’s Disease

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CUHK Study Sees the Exposure to Farm Environment  Is Beneficial for Children to Prevent Asthma

CUHK Study Sees the Exposure to Farm Environment Is Beneficial for Children to Prevent Asthma

Multicomponent Frailty Prevention Programme Reduces Frailty Over 80% of Pre-frail Elderly Reverse to Robust Phenotype

Multicomponent Frailty Prevention Programme Reduces Frailty Over 80% of Pre-frail Elderly Reverse to Robust Phenotype

CUHK Studies Alert Mothers to Pregnancy Weight Gain

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CUHK Study Discovers Pathway That Links to Cognitive Flexibility Dopamine Dysregulation May Lead to Ability Impairment

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CUHK Study Discovers an Essential Enzyme to Maintain Body Iron Homeostasis Deficiency Could Cause Excessive Iron Retention and Damage Major Organs

CUHK Study Discovers an Essential Enzyme to Maintain Body Iron Homeostasis Deficiency Could Cause Excessive Iron Retention and Damage Major Organs

CUHK School of Biomedical Sciences Strives to Become the World-leading Biomedical Hub

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CUHK-HKU Study on Multi-gene Mutation-Drug Matching for Recurrent Ovarian Cancer Patients Providing Free Pharmacogenomic Analysis for 100 Patients in Hong Kong

CUHK-HKU Study on Multi-gene Mutation-Drug Matching for Recurrent Ovarian Cancer Patients Providing Free Pharmacogenomic Analysis for 100 Patients in Hong Kong

CUHK’s Gerald Choa Neuroscience Centre Unveils Mystery of How Brain Learns Motor Skills

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CUHK Recommends Oral Glucose Tolerance Test for All Pregnant Women Study Reveals Children of Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Have 3-Fold Diabetes Risk

CUHK Recommends Oral Glucose Tolerance Test for All Pregnant Women Study Reveals Children of Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Have 3-Fold Diabetes Risk

CUHK Uncovers Novel Immune Escape Mechanism of Cancer Opening Up New Direction for Cancer Immunotherapy

CUHK Uncovers Novel Immune Escape Mechanism of Cancer Opening Up New Direction for Cancer Immunotherapy

CUHK Leads a Multinational Study that Finds New Treatment Paradigm of Mutated Lung Cancer

CUHK Leads a Multinational Study that Finds New Treatment Paradigm of Mutated Lung Cancer

CUHK World’s First Study Sets a New Direction on Aspirin Use after Lower Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage

CUHK World’s First Study Sets a New Direction on Aspirin Use after Lower Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage

CUHK Discovers Fatty Liver Causing Severe Liver Fibrosis or Cirrhosis in 1 Out of 5 Diabetic Patients

CUHK Discovers Fatty Liver Causing Severe Liver Fibrosis or Cirrhosis in 1 Out of 5 Diabetic Patients

CUHK Opens Therese Pei Fong Chow Research Centre for Prevention of Dementia and Establishes a One-stop Online Platform to Provide Information on Dementia

CUHK Opens Therese Pei Fong Chow Research Centre for Prevention of Dementia and Establishes a One-stop Online Platform to Provide Information on Dementia

CUHK World’s First Study Confirms A New Colorectal Cancer High Risk Group

CUHK World’s First Study Confirms A New Colorectal Cancer High Risk Group

CUHK Asia’s First Comprehensive Epidemiological Study on Health Impact of Household Cleaning Products on Children Reveals Frequent Use of Household Cleaning Products Increase Risk of Triggering Rhinitis in Children

CUHK Asia’s First Comprehensive Epidemiological Study on Health Impact of Household Cleaning Products on Children Reveals Frequent Use of Household Cleaning Products Increase Risk of Triggering Rhinitis in Children

CUHK Sets up the Global First Research Registry on Early Onset Dementia in Chinese Population

CUHK Sets up the Global First Research Registry on Early Onset Dementia in Chinese Population

CUHK and HKU Researchers Introduce 3D Printing Technology in Complex Cardiac Surgery Procedures

CUHK and HKU Researchers Introduce 3D Printing Technology in Complex Cardiac Surgery Procedures

CUHK Jointly Discovers New Therapeutic Solution for Minor Stroke in Global Study with over 30 Countries

CUHK Jointly Discovers New Therapeutic Solution for Minor Stroke in Global Study with over 30 Countries

CUHK Sees Early Evaluation of TIA Patients Reduce Rate of Stroke by 70% in a Global Study of 21 Countries

CUHK Sees Early Evaluation of TIA Patients Reduce Rate of Stroke by 70% in a Global Study of 21 Countries

CUHK Research Shows 1 in 5 Throat Cancer Patients in HK is HPV infected

CUHK Research Shows 1 in 5 Throat Cancer Patients in HK is HPV infected

CUHK Conducts Hong Kong’s First Study on Seven Common Respiratory Viruses Revealing Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Influenza A as Prevalent Fatal Types

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CUHK Launches Hong Kong’s First Pilot Integrative Medicine Programme in Multiple Sclerosis for Managing Cognitive Symptoms, Relieving Fatigue, and Disease Control

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CUHK Launches Newborn Add-on Test for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Supported by Joshua Hellmann Foundation for Orphan Disease

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Asia’s First Research by CUHK on Patients’ Lifestyle Reveals Personalised Modification Programme Effective in Reducing Severity of OSA

Asia’s First Research by CUHK on Patients’ Lifestyle Reveals Personalised Modification Programme Effective in Reducing Severity of OSA

CUHK Latest Research Reveals FMT Effectiveness Triples that of Conventional Treatment

CUHK Latest Research Reveals FMT Effectiveness Triples that of Conventional Treatment

CUHK Introduces New Material for Osteoporosis-related Bone Fracture Effectively Reduces Healing Time and Enhances Bone Strength Both by 30%

CUHK Introduces New Material for Osteoporosis-related Bone Fracture Effectively Reduces Healing Time and Enhances Bone Strength Both by 30%

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Media Gathering with Prof. TC Li, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK Sharing on Recurrent Miscarriage

Clinical service
CUHK Highlights the Significance of Hospital Infection Control System in Controlling MERS

CUHK Highlights the Significance of Hospital Infection Control System in Controlling MERS

CUHK Estimates Local Smokers Spend over HKD1 Million on Tobacco in Life

CUHK Estimates Local Smokers Spend over HKD1 Million on Tobacco in Life

CUHK Advocates Stringent Control of Cardiovascular Risks for Reopening of Narrowed Brain Arteries - A New Paradigm to Prevent Recurrent Stroke (Available in Chinese only)

CUHK Advocates Stringent Control of Cardiovascular Risks for Reopening of Narrowed Brain Arteries - A New Paradigm to Prevent Recurrent Stroke (Available in Chinese only)

CUHK Latest Research Reveals over 100,000 New Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Cases in Hong Kong Annually

CUHK Latest Research Reveals over 100,000 New Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Cases in Hong Kong Annually

CUHK Research by Medical Undergraduates Reveals Poor Medication Adherence Among Hypertensive Patients in Hong Kong

CUHK Research by Medical Undergraduates Reveals Poor Medication Adherence Among Hypertensive Patients in Hong Kong

CUHK Study Reveals Peer Support Can Reduce Hospital Admission of Distressed Diabetes Patients

CUHK Study Reveals Peer Support Can Reduce Hospital Admission of Distressed Diabetes Patients

Joint Study by CUHK and HKSH Reveals Patients with Comorbid REM Sleep Behavior Disorder and Depression may Suffer from Early-stage Neurodegeneration

Joint Study by CUHK and HKSH Reveals Patients with Comorbid REM Sleep Behavior Disorder and Depression may Suffer from Early-stage Neurodegeneration

Screening Reveals Over 50% Community-dwelling Population Aged 65 or above are Pre-frail

Screening Reveals Over 50% Community-dwelling Population Aged 65 or above are Pre-frail

CUHK Unveils Genome of Dermatophagoides farinae Casting New Light on Diagnosis and Interventions of Inhalant Allergies

CUHK Unveils Genome of Dermatophagoides farinae Casting New Light on Diagnosis and Interventions of Inhalant Allergies

CUHK Reveals Vasopressin Injection Can Reduce Risks of Hysteroscopic Myomectomy

CUHK Reveals Vasopressin Injection Can Reduce Risks of Hysteroscopic Myomectomy

CUHK Found Common Defect in Male Infertility Associated with Poor Sperm Motility and Genital Tract Infection

CUHK Found Common Defect in Male Infertility Associated with Poor Sperm Motility and Genital Tract Infection

CUHK Opens Phase I Clinical Trial Centre To Step Up New Drug Development in Hong Kong

CUHK Opens Phase I Clinical Trial Centre To Step Up New Drug Development in Hong Kong

CUHK Survey Reveals Relationship between Exercise Pattern and Emotional Health among Hong Kong People Mind-body Exercise Helps Reduce Risk of Mood Disorders

CUHK Survey Reveals Relationship between Exercise Pattern and Emotional Health among Hong Kong People Mind-body Exercise Helps Reduce Risk of Mood Disorders

CUHK Establishes State Key Laboratory of Digestive Disease to Improve Diagnosis and Treatment of Digestive Diseases

CUHK Establishes State Key Laboratory of Digestive Disease to Improve Diagnosis and Treatment of Digestive Diseases

CUHK Releases Research Results on Employment Status of Hong Kong Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Dialysis Patients and Promotes Predialysis Education Programme for Mid to Late Stage CKD patients

CUHK Releases Research Results on Employment Status of Hong Kong Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Dialysis Patients and Promotes Predialysis Education Programme for Mid to Late Stage CKD patients

CUHK Conducts Asia's Largest Clinical Study on Life-threatening Infections caused by RSV and Influenza in Hong Kong Adults and Elderly

CUHK Conducts Asia's Largest Clinical Study on Life-threatening Infections caused by RSV and Influenza in Hong Kong Adults and Elderly

CUHK Announces Latest Medical Treatment for Minor Stroke

CUHK Announces Latest Medical Treatment for Minor Stroke

Hong Kong and Macau Among Top Three Regions in Asia-Pacific with the Highest Incidence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease CUHK Establishes Registry to Increase Public Awareness

Hong Kong and Macau Among Top Three Regions in Asia-Pacific with the Highest Incidence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease CUHK Establishes Registry to Increase Public Awareness

CUHK Assessed and Treated Over 300 Young Ketamine Abusers with Urinary Tract Dysfunction Latest Research Reveals Effectiveness of Integrated Anti-inflammatory Therapy

CUHK Assessed and Treated Over 300 Young Ketamine Abusers with Urinary Tract Dysfunction Latest Research Reveals Effectiveness of Integrated Anti-inflammatory Therapy

CUHK Research Reveals that Physical and Cognitive Activities can Maintain and Improve Brain Functions of Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairments

CUHK Research Reveals that Physical and Cognitive Activities can Maintain and Improve Brain Functions of Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairments

CUHK Launches Territory-wide Screening Study for Early Detection of Nasopharynx Cancer Now Recruiting 20,000 Citizens to Join

CUHK Launches Territory-wide Screening Study for Early Detection of Nasopharynx Cancer Now Recruiting 20,000 Citizens to Join

CUHK Research Reveals Impact of Mild Hearing Loss on School Children Now Recruiting Hearing Impaired Students for Research on Efficacy of Intervention

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CUHK and Joshua Hellmann Foundation for Orphan Disease Jointly Launch Territory’s First Newborn Metabolic Screening Program

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CUHK Introduces Hong Kong's First Fragile X Carrier Screening

CUHK Introduces Hong Kong's First Fragile X Carrier Screening

Clinical service
CUHK discovers that 40% of Individuals at Risk of Coronary Heart Disease have Pre-cancerous Bowel Tumors

CUHK discovers that 40% of Individuals at Risk of Coronary Heart Disease have Pre-cancerous Bowel Tumors

CUHK Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building Opened

CUHK Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building Opened

CUHK Pioneers DNA Chip for Prenatal Diagnosis in HK

CUHK Pioneers DNA Chip for Prenatal Diagnosis in HK


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