Clarification -- 中大醫學院澄清啟事 (Chinese Version Only)
Press Releases【澄清】就早前傳媒報道,在一宗前年平安夜非法集結案中,辯方求情時呈上一封聲稱是中大醫學院院長陳家亮教授為案中被告張家齊醫生撰寫的求情信。
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中大醫學院嚴正聲明 (Chinese Version Only)
Clarification from CU Medicine
中大醫學院就行政長官今日(10月19日)發表2022施政報告的回應 (Chinese Version Only)
中大醫學院就2022-23財政預算案的回應 (Chinese Version Only)
Clarification from CU Medicine
Clarification from CU Medicine
Clarification -- 聲稱為莫樹錦教授署名文章証實為假冒 (Chinese Version Only)
CUHK study finds vigorous disinfection linked to increased risk of eczema and atopic diseases
CUHK study shows short-chain fatty acids produced by probiotic bacteria in the gut can boost immunity against influenza and other viral infections
CU Medicine invents a non-invasive technology for people with uninvestigated bowel symptoms
CU Medicine’s large-scale mother-baby study finds altered gut microbiome in pregnant mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus affects infants’ neurodevelopment
CUHK identifies novel gut microbiome biomarkers to facilitate diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders Pilot clinical study shows modulation of gut microbiome alleviates anxiety symptoms
Professor Francis Chan receives Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award
Two CU Medicine scholars are elected as Foreign Members of the Academia Europaea
The Passing of a Medical Giant
CUHK receives HK$30 million donation from Mr Li Ka-shing to further enhance artificial intelligence in medical education
CU Medicine establishes an internationally accredited biobank: A prerequisite for Hong Kong to be the hub for new drug development in the Greater Bay Area
A randomised placebo-controlled clinical trial by CU Medicine shows that modulation of gut microbiome using oral microencapsulated live bacteria (SIM01) improves long COVID symptoms
CU Medicine leads new clinical practice guidelines on use of non-invasive biomarkers for colorectal cancer screening with international experts
CU Medicine’s population-based long COVID-19 survey estimates that over 400,000 recovered COVID-19 patients suffer from sexual dysfunction and reproductive problems
CU Medicine supported by the Hospital Authority to launch HK’s first large-scale Long COVID survey, aiming to inform the government on impact of long COVID on healthcare services
CUHK receives HK$150 million donation from Li Ka Shing Foundation in support of research and development of biomedical technologies
CUHK Develops a Novel Faecal Test that can Detect Polyps and Early Colon Cancers with Sensitivity Over 90%
CU Medicine Study Shows Modulation of Gut Microbiota Helps Enhance Safety and Efficacy of COVID-19 Vaccine
CU Medicine Finds New Evidence for Link between Gut Microbiome and COVID-19 Severity Microbiome Imbalance Might Influence “Long COVID” Risk
40% of Hong Kong People Show Gut Dysbiosis Comparable to that of COVID-19 Patients CUHK Microbiome Immunity Formula Hastens Recovery of COVID-19 Patients and Offers Hope to Boost Immunity
CU Medicine Found SARS-CoV2 in Infants' Stool A Coronavirus Testing Centre Is Established for Paediatric Population to Identify Silent Carriers
CU Medicine Develops a Probiotic Formula to Target Imbalance in Gut Microbiota in COVID-19
CU Medicine Offers Free Stool Screening Test for COVID-19 in Children arriving at Airport
CUHK Finds that the Coronavirus Can Persist in Stool after Its Clearance in Respiratory Tract Will Conduct Stool Test for People in Quarantine Camps for Early Identification
The Helmsley Charitable Trust Funds Asian Research into Babies’ Gut Microbiota and Crohn’s Disease
CUHK Establishes Hong Kong Hub of Paediatric Excellence (HK HOPE) Multidisciplinary Efforts Across the Globe to Advance Children’s Health and Well-being
Professor Francis CHAN as the First Chinese Honoured with the American College of Gastroenterology International Leadership Award 2018
CUHK Establishes Asia’s First Microbiota Transplantation and Research Centre Hope for New Strategies in Disease Prevention and Cure
CUHK Pioneers in Introducing Museum-Based Observational Skills into Medical Education
CUHK Announces World’s First Systematic Review of the Global Incidence and Prevalence of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases in the 21st Century Reveals Surge in Hong Kong in past 30 years
CUHK World’s First Study Sets a New Direction on Aspirin Use after Lower Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
CUHK discovers that 40% of Individuals at Risk of Coronary Heart Disease have Pre-cancerous Bowel Tumors
Bowel Cancer Will Become Top Cancer in Hong Kong CUHK Introduces Colon Pill Camera to Prevent Bowel Cancer
CUHK Discovers Up to 30% of Asymptomatic Subjects in Hong Kong Suffered from Pre-cancerous Bowel Tumors
CUHK Introduces Double Balloon Enteroscopy Service to Manage Small Bowel Diseases
Predicting Your Colorectal-polyp Risk with CUHK Colorectal-polyp Prediction Index (CU-CPI)
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