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Our collaborative work on “The present and future disease burden of hepatitis C virus infections with today's treatment paradigm: Volume 4” was published in the special supplement issue of the Journal of Viral Hepatitis.
It was recently estimated that globally 71 million people have active viremic hepatitis C virus infections. This study convened over 90 institutions from 17 countries to provide a global estimate of the hepatitis C virus disease burden across countries in a variety of contexts. The analysis demonstrates that disease burden may be reduced and eventually eliminated but significant improvements must be made, especially in the screening, diagnosis and treatment processes (J Viral Hepat. 2017;24(Suppl. 2):25-43.
Anyone interested in future collaboration in this field of research is welcome to contact our key investigator Prof Henry Chan, Head of Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology in our Department of Medicine and Therapeutics. Prof Chan is an expert in antiviral treatment of chronic hepatitis and has led numerous global clinical trials in the development of antiviral therapies.
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