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On 22 April 2024, Mary Croughan, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor; and Joanna Regulska, Vice Provost and Dean of Global Affairs from University of California, Davis (UC Davis) visited CU Medicine to discuss the strategic priorities and explore collaboration opportunities between the two institutions.

UC Davis is one of the ten campuses of the University of California system. The UC Davis School of Medicine consistently ranked as one of the leading medical schools in the US by the U.S. News & World Report with strengths in family medicine, primary care and nursing.

During the visit, a wide range of topics related to innovative research opportunities, collaborative projects and strategic initiatives were discussed. The insights gained from these exchanges will significantly contribute to the growth and success of our collaboration.



(From left) Prof Joanna Regulska, Prof Philip ChiuDr Mary Croughan



Prof Philip Chiu, Dean of CU Medicine, presented a hand-painted fan drawing as gift to the delegation.