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Elective Students from Hirosaki University of Medicine

With an eagerness to explore and learn more about medicine outside of Japan, Sachiko Imanishi of Hirosaki University of Medicine applied for a 3 week elective attachment with us and came to our Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. In fact, she follows in the steps of two previous Hirosaki University students who were with us last year. Following the same curriculum as our local students, she is attending ward rounds and practical sessions and finds the learning environment to be very interactive, with students taking the initiative to ask questions and professors being responsive. She is finding the clinical examination process to be quite different from home practice and particularly enjoys the x-ray images lecture sessions.


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“Everyone is very friendly and helpful, the local students would translate for me during patient consultation, which is mostly done in Chinese. I sometimes find the English terminologies unfamiliar because we learn the terms in Japanese back home.”


This summer, our Faculty is offering a Certificate in Professional Medical Communication for undergraduates to master English communication in the medical context. We invite students from our partner universities to join this highly beneficial programme to expand their network and improve their skills. For more information: