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  • 醫學院助理院長 (學習體驗)
  • 內科及藥物治療學系教授
  • 消化疾病研究所教授

  • 消化疾病研究國家重點實驗室 (香港中文大學) 教授


  • 腸胃及肝臟科專科
  • 肝纖維化
  • 消化性潰



MBChB (CUHK), MD (CUHK), FRCP (Lond, Edin), FHKCP, FHKAM (Medicine)



  • 乙型及丙型肝炎

  • 肝癌

  • 無創性肝纖維化診斷

  • 原發性消化性潰瘍

  • 醫學大數據研究





  • 廣東省科學技術獎一等獎, 2018 
  • JGH Emerging Leader Lectureship Award, JGH Foundation, 2017 
  • 香港內科醫學院達安輝爵士Lectureship, 2016
  • 香港內科醫學院傑出研究論文獎, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015
  • 香港十大傑出青年, 2014
  • Travel Grant Award, School of Research Methodology, the 22nd Conference of the Asian-Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver, 2012
  • 亞太肝青年學者」, 2009
  • 香港醫學專科學院最佳學員原創研究獎銅獎, 2008



  • 香港肝病學會榮譽司庫



  • 消化疾病理學碩士課程主任
  • 暑期臨床實習計劃計劃主管
部分論文 (只有英文版本)


  1. Wong GL, Wong VW, Chan HL. Towards finite oral antiviral treatment for chronic hepatitis B. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019 Apr;4(4):260-262.
  2. Wong GL, Lau LH, Ching JY, et al. Prevention of recurrent idiopathic gastroduodenal ulcer bleeding: a double-blind, randomised trial. Gut 2019 Jun. [Epub ahead of print]
  3. Wong GL, Liang LY, Kwok R, et al. Low risk of variceal bleeding in cirrhotic patients after variceal screening stratified by liver/spleen stiffness. Hepatology. 2019 Jan 25. [Epub ahead of print]
  4. Wong GL, Ma AJ, Deng H, et al. Machine learning model to predict recurrent ulcer bleeding in patients with history of idiopathic gastroduodenal ulcer bleeding. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2019 Apr;49(7):912-918.
  5. Wong GL, Chan HL, Tse YK, et al. Normal on-treatment ALT during antiviral treatment is associated with a lower risk of hepatic events in patients with chronic hepatitis B. J Hepatol 2018;69(4):793-802.
  6. Wong GL, Wong VW. Eliminating hepatitis B virus as a global health threat. Lancet Infect Dis. 2016 Dec;16(12):1313-1314.
  7. Wong GL, Tse YK, Wong VW, et al. Long-term safety of oral nucleos(t)ide analogues for patients with chronic hepatitis B - a cohort study of 53,500 subjects. Hepatology 2015;62:684-93.
  8. Wong GL, Chan HL, et al.  On-treatment alpha-fetoprotein is a specific tumor marker for hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic hepatitis B receiving entecavir.  Hepatology 2014;59:986-95.
  9. Wong GL, Chan HL, Chan HY, et al. Accuracy of risk scores for patients with chronic hepatitis B receiving entecavir treatment. Gastroenterology. 2013 May;144(5):933-44
  10. Wong GL, Wong VW, Chan Y, et al. High incidence of mortality and recurrent bleeding in patients with Helicobacter pylori-negative idiopathic bleeding ulcers. Gastroenterology. 2009 Aug;137(2):525-31.