Intensive clinical exposure
Our students have perhaps the longest and broadest clinical exposure anywhere in the world. This ensures they are well exposed to all possible cases prevalent in Hong Kong, regardless of specialty. Our orthopaedics programme, for example, is the most exhaustive in the world - with seven weeks of exposure to musculoskeletal problems to provide our students with the training needed to meet one of the major problems of our ageing population, notably osteoporosis.
On-site placements in multiple specialties
Our students are sent to many hospitals for their clinical attachments and therefore become intimately familiar with Hong Kong's healthcare environment. Placements in various centres of excellence give them the opportunity to see innovative specialty work and provide options for novel career paths they might not have otherwise been exposed to.

Access to medical records
CUHK Medicine was the first medical school to provide students with access to computerised patient medical records. This access to CMS records gives real, insightful and in-depth exposure to patients' clinical problems.
Our students excel In clinical examination skills
With robust clinical exposures, real-patient clinical encounters and the enthusiastic involvement of our teachers, our students are known for their command of clinical examination skills - a consistent observation expressed by our overseas external examiners.
Overseas electives
Almost all our students do an overseas elective in their penultimate year. This option is actively supported by our Faculty, who make use of a vibrant network of partner institutions across the world to find placements for students.

In CUHK Medicine you can find the best medical teachers
Staff with a passion for teaching
Students of CUHK Medicine have noted that our teachers bring an unbridled sense of enthusiasm to their work. Many local and international awards have been won by our teaching staff, including Professor KUMTA Shekhar Madhukar and Professor Emily YY CHAN, who receive the Teaching Award from the University Grants Committee of Hong Kong.
Preparation for real-world medicine
At CUHK Medicine, we strongly believe that students should be trained in the most authentic way possible. To ensure they are best equipped for professional work, we secure internships for our students immediately after graduation. Indeed, CUHK Medicine was the first to start an assistant internship programme in the territory. Under this programme, students in their final years shadow interns and learn at first-hand the skills and procedures required of them as interns. This closely-supervised, well-mentored programme accounts for why CUHK interns are rated the best in Hong Kong.