Professor THAM Chee Yung, Clement
Chairman, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
S.H. Ho Professor of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
Honorary Chief-of-Service, Hong Kong Eye Hospital
Director, CUHK Eye Centre
Deputy Director, Shantou University/The Chinese University of Hong Kong Joint Shantou International Eye Centre
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Clinical and research interests in glaucoma, lens diseases, and their treatments
BM BCh(Oxon), FRCS(Glasgow), FCSHK, FCOphth(HK), FHKAM(Ophth)
Research Interests
Primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG)
1. Laser and surgical treatments
2. Pattern and risk factors for disease progression
3. Genetics
4. Mechanism of angle closure
5. Intraocular pressure fluctuations
Additional Information
1. | Member, University Senate, CUHK |
2. | Member, Faculty Executive Committee, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK |
3. | Member, Board of the Faculty of Medicine, CUHK |
4. | Honorary Secretary and Fellowship Examiner, The College of Ophthalmologists of Hong Kong (COHK) |
5. | Fellowship Examiner (Ophthalmology), The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh |
6. | Secretary General & CEO, Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) |
7. | Vice President (International Relations), Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Society (APGS) |
8. | Member, Board of Directors, International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO) |
9. | Member, Global Advisors Committee, American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) |
10. | Congress President, The 2nd Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Congress 2014 Hong Kong |
11. | Chair, Scientific Program Committee, World Ophthalmology Congress 2016 (WOC2016) Mexico |
12. | The Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award in Hong Kong 2005 |
Selected Publications
- Tham CC, Kwong YY, Baig N, Leung DY, Li FC, Lam DS. Phacoemulsification versus trabeculectomy in medically uncontrolled chronic angle-closure glaucoma without cataract.
Ophthalmology 2013;120(1):62-7. Epub 2012 Sep 15.
(Journal impact factor: 5.563 in 2012; Journal Rank: 2/58 in Ophthalmology in 2012; Citation number: 7) - Tham CC, Kwong YY, Leung DY, Lam SW, Li FC, Chiu TY, Chan JC, Lam DS, Lai JS. Phacoemulsification versus phaco-trabeculectomy in chronic angle-closure glaucoma with cataract: complications.
Arch Ophthalmol. 2010;128(3):303-11.
Featured in the Journal Highlights section of Eyenet in March 2010.
(Journal impact factor: 3.826 in 2012; Journal Rank: 3/58 in Ophthalmology in 2012; Citation number: 17) - Tham CC, Leung DY, Kwong YY, Li FC, Lai JS, Lam DS.
Effects of phacoemulsification versus combined phaco-trabeculectomy on drainage angle status in primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG).
J Glaucoma. 2010;19(2):119-23.
(Journal impact factor: 1.865 in 2012; Journal Rank: 22/58 in Ophthalmology in 2012; Citation number:22) - Tham CC, Kwong YY, Leung DY, Lam SW, Li FC, Chiu TY, Chan JC, Lam DS, Lai JS. Phacoemulsification versus combined phaco-trabeculectomy in medically-uncontrolled chronic angle closure glaucoma with cataract.
Ophthalmology. 2009;116(4):725-31, 731.e1-3. Epub 2009 Feb 25.
(Journal impact factor: 5.563 in 2012; Journal Rank: 2/58 in Ophthalmology in 2012 ; Citation number: 47) - Tham CC, Kwong YY, Leung DY, Lam SW, Li FC, Chiu TY, Chan JC, Chan CH, Poon AS, Yick DW, Chi CC, Lam DS, Lai JS.
Phacoemulsification versus combined phaco-trabeculectomy in medically-controlled chronic angle closure glaucoma with cataract.
Ophthalmology. 2008;115(12):2167-2173.e2. Epub 2008 Sep 18.
(Journal impact factor: 5.563 in 2012; Journal Rank: 2/58 in Ophthalmology in 2012; Citation number: 42) - Tham CC, Kwong YY, Lai JS, Lam DS.
Effect of a previous acute angle closure attack on the corneal endothelial cell density in chronic angle-closure glaucoma patients.
J Glaucoma. 2006;15(6):482-5.
(Journal impact factor: 1.865 in 2012; Journal Rank: 22/58 in Ophthalmology in 2012; Citation number:12) - Tham CC, Li FC, Leung DY, Kwong YY, Yick DW, Lam DS.
Microincisional bimanual phaco-trabeculectomy in eye of co-existing glaucoma and cataract.
J Cataract Refract Surg. 2006;32(11):1917-20.
(Journal impact factor: 2.527 in 2012; Journal Rank: 12/58 in Ophthalmology in 2012; Citation number: 8) - Tham CC, Lai JS, Poon AS, Chan JC, Lam SW, Chua JK, Lam DS.
Immediate argon laser peripheral iridoplasty (ALPI) as initial treatment for acute phacomorphic angle-closure (phacomorphic glaucoma) before cataract extraction: a preliminary study.
Eye (Lond). 2005;19(7):778-83.
(Journal impact factor: 1.818 in 2012; Journal Rank: 23/58 in Ophthalmology in 2012; Citation number: 14) - Lu Y, Vitart V, Burdon KP, Khor CC, Bykhovskaya Y, Mirshahi A, Hewitt AW, Koehn D, Hysi PG, Ramdas WD, Zeller T, Vithana EN, Cornes BK, Tay WT, Tai ES, Cheng CY, Liu J, Foo JN, Saw SM, Thorleifsson G, Stefansson K, Dimasi DP, Mills RA, Mountain J, Ang W, Hoehn R, Verhoeven VJ, Grus F, Wolfs R, Castagne R, Lackner KJ, Springelkamp H, Yang J, Jonasson F, Leung DY, Chen LJ, Tham CC,Rudan I, Vatavuk Z, Hayward C, Gibson J, Cree AJ, Macleod A, Ennis S, Polasek O, Campbell H, Wilson JF, Viswanathan AC, Fleck B, Li X, Siscovick D, Taylor KD, Rotter JI, Yazar S, Ulmer M, Li J, Yaspan BL, Ozel AB, Richards JE, Moroi SE, Haines JL, Kang JH, Pasquale LR, Allingham RR, Ashley-Koch A; NEIGHBOR Consortium, Mitchell P, Wang JJ, Wright AF, Pennell C, Spector TD, Young TL, Klaver CC, Martin NG, Montgomery GW, Anderson MG, Aung T, Willoughby CE, Wiggs JL, Pang CP, Thorsteinsdottir U, Lotery AJ, Hammond CJ, van Duijn CM, Hauser MA, Rabinowitz YS, Pfeiffer N, Mackey DA, Craig JE, Macgregor S, Wong TY.
Genome-wide association analyses identify multiple loci associated with central corneal thickness and keratoconus.
Nat Genet. 2013;45(2):155-63. doi: 10.1038/ng.2506. Epub 2013 Jan 6.
(Journal impact factor: 35.209 in 2012; Journal Rank: 2/161 in Genetics & Heredity in 2012; Citation number: 22) - Vithana EN, Khor CC, Qiao C, Nongpiur ME, George R, Chen LJ, Do T, Abu-AmeroK, Huang CK, Low S, Tajudin LS, Perera SA, Cheng CY, Xu L, Jia H, Ho CL, Sim KS, Wu RY, Tham CC, Chew PT, Su DH, Oen FT, Sarangapani S, Soumittra N, Osman EA,Wong HT, Tang G, Fan S, Meng H, Huong DT, Wang H, Feng B, Baskaran M, Shantha B, Ramprasad VL, Kumaramanickavel G, Iyengar SK, How AC, Lee KY, Sivakumaran TA,Yong VH, Ting SM, Li Y, Wang YX, Tay WT, Sim X, Lavanya R, Cornes BK, Zheng YF, Wong TT, Loon SC, Yong VK, Waseem N, Yaakub A, Chia KS, Allingham RR, Hauser MA, Lam DS, Hibberd ML, Bhattacharya SS, Zhang M, Teo YY, Tan DT, Jonas JB, Tai ES, Saw SM, Hon do N, Al-Obeidan SA, Liu J, Chau TN, Simmons CP, Bei JX, Zeng YX, Foster PJ, Vijaya L, Wong TY, Pang CP, Wang N, Aung T.
Genome-wide association analyses identify three new susceptibility loci for primary angle closure glaucoma.
Nat Genet. 2012;44(10):1142-6.
(Journal impact factor: 35.209 in 2012; Journal Rank: 2/161 in Genetics & Heredity in 2012; Citation number: 18)
Director, CUHK-Hong Kong Eye Hospital-Prince of Wales Hospital Joint International Fellowship Programme
Supervision of 10 post-graduate research students (3 PhD, 3 MPhil, 4 MSc)