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Chairpersons of Departments

Chairpersons of Departments
Professor LI Man Chim, Albert Martin

Professor LI Man Chim, Albert Martin

Assistant Dean (Student Affairs)

Chairman, Department of Paediatrics

CUHK Employment
  • Assistant Dean (Student Affairs), Faculty of Medicine
  • Chairman, Department of Paediatrics


  • Respiratory diseases
  • Sleep-disordered breathing disorders


Education & Qualifications

BSc, MB BCh (Wales); MD (CUHK); MRCP (UK), FRCPCH, FHKCPaed, FHKAM (Paediatrics)


Research Interests
  • Epidemiology, complications and management of childhood obstructive sleep apnoea

  • Medical complications in sleep deprivation

  • Childhood asthma

  • Childhood obesity


Additional Information

Award & Honour

  • Teacher of The Year Awards, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK, 2003-07, 2012-14, 2017
  • Master Teacher Award, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK, 2017


Professional Service

  • Vice-Chairman, Asia Pacific Paediatric Sleep Alliance
  • Associate Editor, Frontiers in Paediatric Pulmonology
Selected Publications
  1. CCW Yu, AM McManus, CT Au, HK So, A Chan, RYT Sung, AM Li. Appropriate scaling approach for evaluating peak VO2 development in Southern Chinese 8 to 16 years old. PLOS One 2019;14(3):e0213674.
  2. KC Chan, CT Au, LL Hui, SK Ng, YK Wing, AM Li. How OSA evolves from childhood to young adulthood – natural history from 1 10-year follow-up study. Chest 2019;156(1):120-30.
  3. JWS Li, CT Au, KCC Chan, P Chook, YK Wing, AM Li. Short sleep duration is weakly associated carotid intima-media thickness in adolescents. J Pediatr 2018;195:80-4.
  4. XT Yu, A Sadeh, HS Lam, JA Mindell, AM Li. Parental behaviors and sleep/wake patterns of infants and toddlers in Hong Kong, China. World J Pediatr 2017;13(5):496-502.
  5. HCY Lam, AM Li, EYY Chan, WB Goggins. The short-term association between asthma hospitalisations, ambient temperature, other meterological factors and air pollutants in Hong Kong: a time-series study. Thorax 2016;71:1097-1109.
  6. KCC Chan, CT Au, P Chook, DLY Lee, HS Lam, YK Wing, AM Li. Endothelial function in children with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and the effects of adenotonsillectomy. Chest 2015;147(1):132-139.
  7. AM Li, CT Au, C Ng, HS Lam, C Ho, YK Wing. A four-year prospective follow-up study of childhood obstructive sleep apnea and its association with blood pressure. Chest 2014;145(6):1255-1263.
  8. CT Au, CKW Ho, YK Wing, HS Lam, AM Li. Acute and chronic effects of sleep duration on blood pressure. Pediatrics 2014;133(1):e64-72.
  9. AM Li, Y Zhu, CT Au, DLY Lee, C Ho, YK Wing. Natural history of primary snoring in school-aged children: a 4-year follow-up study. Chest 2013;143(3):729-735.