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Chairpersons of Departments

Chairpersons of Departments
Professor HO Kwok Ming

Professor HO Kwok Ming

Chairman, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care

CUHK Employment
  • Chairman and Professor, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
  • Director, Peter Hung Pain Research Institute


  • Anaesthesia & Intensive care


Education & Qualifications




Research Interests
  • Thromboembolism
  • Acute kidney Injury
  • Predicting clinical outcomes


Additional information


Award and Honour

  • Gilbert Troup ASA Research Medal, Australian Society of Anaesthetists, 2023 and 2018
  • Raine Clinical Research Fellowship, Raine Medical Research Foundation, 2015
  • Raine Research Prize Medal, Raine Medical Research Foundation, 2013


Professional Service

  • Intensive Care Editor: Anaesthesia & Intensive Care
  • Editorial Board Member: Journal of Geriatric Cardiology, Current Medical Research and Opinion 
Selected Publications 

Researcher ID: E-3546-2010


  1. Ho KM, Morgan DJ, Johnstone M, Edibam C. Biological age is superior to chronological age in predicting hospital mortality of the critically ill. Internal & Emergency Medicine 2023;18:2019-28.
  2. Ho KM, Patel P, Chamberlain J, Nasim S, Rogers FB. Long-term outcomes after using retrievable vena cava filters in major trauma patients with contraindications to prophylactic anticoagulation. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 2023;49:335-41.
  3. Wibrow B, Martinez FE, Myers E, Chapman A, Litton E, Ho KM, Regli A, Hawkins D, Ford A, van Haren FMP, Wyer S, Mccaffrey J, Rashid A, Kelty E, Murray K, Anstey M. Prophylactic Melatonin for Delirium in Intensive Care (Pro-MEDIC): a randomised controlled trial. Intensive Care Medicine 2022;48:414-25.
  4. Ho KM, Rogers FB, Rao S, Chamberlain J, Geelhoed E. Cost-effectiveness of early placement of vena cava filters to prevent symptomatic pulmonary embolism in patients with contraindications to prophylactic anticoagulant. Vascular Medicine 2021;26:641-7.
  5. Corcoran TB, Myles PS, Forbes AB, Cheng AC, Bach LA, O’Loughlin E, Leslie K, Chan MT, Story D, Short TG, Martin C, Coutts P, Ho KM, for the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Clinical Trials Network (ANZCA CTN), and the Australian Society for Infectious Diseases (ASID) Clinical Research Network. Dexamethasone and surgical site infection. New England Journal of Medicine 2021;384:1731-41.
  6. Kalgudi S, Ho KM. Incidence of antithrombin deficiency and anti-cardiolipin antibodies after severe traumatic brain injury: a prospective cohort study. Neurocritical Care 2021;34:227-35. 
  7. Morgan DJ, Ho KM, Platell C. The Incidence and Determinants of Mental Health Service Utilization After Bariatric Surgery. JAMA Psychiatry 2020;77:60-7.
  8. Ho KM, Rao S, Honeybul S, Zellweger R, Wibrow B, Lipman J, Holley A, Kop A, Geelhoed E, Corcoran T, Misur P, Edibam C, Baker RI, Chamberlain J, Forsdyke C, Rogers FB. A multicenter trial on use of vena cava filters in the severely-injured. New England Journal of Medicine 2019;381:328-37.
  9. Zhang Z, Ho KM, Hong V. Machine learning for the prediction of volume responsiveness in patients with oliguric acute kidney injury in critical care. Critical Care 2019;23:112.
  10. Harahsheh Y, Duff OC, Ho KM. Thromboelastography predicts thromboembolism in critically ill coagulopathic patients. Critical Care Medicine 2019;47:826-32.