Professor CHAN YIP Wing Han, Carmen
Assistant Dean (Postgraduate Education)
Professor, The Nethersole School of Nursing
Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Endowed Professor of Nursing
CUHK Employment
- Assistant Dean (Postgraduate Education), Faculty of Medicine
- Vice Director (Education), The Nethersole School of Nursing
- Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Endowed Professor of Nursing
Education & Qualifications
BSN (University of Missouri), MPhil in Nursing (CUHK), PhD in Nursing (King's College London), FAAN
Research Interests
- Cancer and Palliative Care Research
Additional Information
Award & Honour
- Fellow, American Academy of Nursing
- Fellow, Hong Kong Academy of Nursing
- Recognition Award, The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing, 2016
- Distinguished Alumni Award, The Nethersole School of Nursing, 2016
- University Education Award,The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2016
- Excellence in Research Award, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, 2014
- Teacher of The Year Award, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1999-2000, 2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010
Professional Service
- Council member, Nursing Council of Hong Kong
- Founding member and council member, Hong Kong College of Education and Research in Nursing
- Member of Knowledge Development and Dissemination Committee, The International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care
- Honorary Advisor of Hong Kong Association of Palliative Nursing
- Expert Member, Jockey Club End-of-Life Community Care (JCECC) Education Sub-Committee
- Member of Health Sciences Panel of Research Assessment Exercise, Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), Hong Kong
Academic Engagement in CUHK
- Chairperson of Curriculum Committee, The Nethersole School of Nursing
- Head, Undergraduate Division, The Nethersole School of Nursing
- Chairperson of Assessment Panel, The Nethersole School of Nursing
- Member of Departmental Academic Personnel Committee (DAPC)
Selected Publications
Researcher ID: A-4480-2015
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0696-2369
- Chan, C. W. H, Chow, M. C. M., Chan, S., Sanson‐Fisher, R., Waller, A., Lai, T. T. K., & Kwan, C. W. M. (2020). Nurses’ perceptions of and barriers to the optimal end of life care in hospitals: A cross‐sectional study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(7-8), 1209-1219.
- Chan, C. W. H., Law, B. M. H., So, W. K. W., Chow, K. M., & Waye, M. M. Y. (2020). Pharmacogenomics of breast cancer: highlighting CYP2D6 and tamoxifen. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 146,1395–1404
- Xiao, J., Chow, K. M., Chan, C. W. H., Li, M., & Deng, Y. (2020). Qualitative study on perceived dignity of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy in China. Supportive Care in Cancer, 28, 2921–2929.
- Chan, C. W. H., Choi, K. C., Chan, H. Y. L., Wong, M. M. H., Ling, G. C. C., Chow, K. M., Chow, A. Y. M., Lo, R., & Sham, M. M. K. (2019). Unfolding and displaying the influencing factors of advance directives from the stakeholder’s perspective: A concept mapping approach. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75 (7), 1549-1562.
- Chan, C. W. H., Ng, N. H. Y., Chan, H. Y. L., Wong M. M. H., & Chow, K. M. (2019). A systematic review to evaluate the effectiveness of advance care planning facilitator training program for healthcare professionals. BMC Health Services Research. 19, 362.
- Chan, C. W. H., Wong, M. M. H., Choi, K. C., Chan, H. Y. L., Chow, A. Y. M., Lo, R. S. K., & Sham, M. M. K. (2019). Prevalence, perception, and predictors of advance directives among Hong Kong Chinese: A population-based survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (3), 365-381. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16030365.
- Chan, C. W. H., Law, B. M. H., Waye, M. M. Y., Chan, J. Y. W., So, W. K. W., Chow, K. M. (2019). Trimethylamine-N-oxide as One Hypothetical ink for the Relationship between Intestinal Microbiota and Cancer – Where We Are and Where Shall We Go? Journal of Cancer, 10(23), 5874-5882.
- Chow, K. M., Chan, C. W. H., Leung, A. W. Y., Wong, M. M. H., & Choi, K. C. (2019). Relationship between body image and health-related quality of life in Chinese cancer survivors during the transitional cancer survivorship. Psycho-oncology, 28 (2), 324-32 doi: 10.1002/pon.4943.
- Chan, Y. L., Lee D. T. F., Chan, C. W. H., & Ko, P. S. (2018). Effects of a nurse-led post-discharge advance care planning programme for community-dwelling patients nearing the end of life and their family members: A randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 87, 26-33.
- Chan, C. W. H., Law, B. M. H., So, W. K. W., Chow, K. M., & Waye, M. M. Y. (2017). Novel strategies on personalized medicine for breast cancer treatment: An update. International journal of molecular sciences, 18(11), 2423