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Dr. LAM Wai Kei, Jacky

Dr. LAM Wai Kei, Jacky

Assistant Dean (Research)

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Pathology

CUHK Employment
  • Assistant Dean (Research), Faculty of Medicine
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Pathology
  • Assistant Professor (by courtesy), Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery


  • Molecular diagnostics
  • Molecular pathology
  • Genetics
  • Genomics


Education & Qualifications

MBBS, PhD (CUHK), FRCSEd (ORL), FHKCORL, FHKAM (Otorhinolarynoglogy)


Research Interests
  • Molecular diagnostics
  • Cancer biomarkers


Additional Information

Professional Service

  • Subcommittee Member, Cancer Education Subcommittee, Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society

Academic Engagement in CUHK

  • Clinical Lead, CUHK/PWH Partnering Centre, Hong Kong Genome Project
  • Member, Hostel and College Facilities Management Committee, Lee Woo Sing College
  • Member, Catering Services Committee, Lee Woo Sing College
Selected Publications

Researcher ID: AAD-6935-2020


  1. YMD Lo and WKJ Lam. Towards multi-cancer screening using liquid biopsies. Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology. 2020;17:525-526
  2. EP Hui, WF Li, BBY Ma, WKJ Lam, KCA Chan, F Mo, QY Ai, AD King, CH Wong, R Guo, DMC Poon, M Tong, L Li, TKH Lau, KCW Wong, DCM Lam, YMD Lo, J Ma, ATC Chan. Integrating postradiotherapy plasma Epstein-Barr virus DNA and TNM stage for risk stratification of nasopharyngeal carcinoma to adjuvant therapy. Annals of Oncology. 2020;31:769-779
  3. WKJ Lam, L Ji, OYO Tse, SH Cheng, P Jiang, PHP Lee, SV Lin, EP Hui, BBY Ma, ATC Chan, KCA Chan, RWK Chiu, YMD Lo. Sequencing analysis of plasma Epstein-Barr virus DNA reveals nasopharyngeal carcinoma-associated single nucleotide variant profiles. Clinical Chemistry. 2020;66(4):598-605
  4. P Jiang, K Sun, W. Peng, SH Cheng, M Ni, PC Yeung, MMS Heung, T Xie, H Shang, Z. Zhou, RWY Chan, J Wong, VWS Wong, LC Poon, TY Leung, WKJ Lam, JYK Chan. HLY Chan, KCA Chan, RWK Chiu, YMD Lo. Plasma DNA end motif profiling as a fragmentomic marker in cancer, pregnancy and transplantation. Cancer Discovery, 2020; 10(5):664-673
  5. WKJ Lam, P Jiang, KCA Chan, W Peng, H Shang, MMS Heung, SH Cheng, H Zhang, OYO Tse, R Raghupathy, BBY Ma, EP Hui, ATC Chan, JKS Woo, RWK Chiu, YMD Lo. Methylation analysis of plasma DNA informs etiologies of Epstein-Barr virus-associated diseases. Nature Communications. 2019;10(1):3256
  6. AD King, JKS Woo, QY Ai, JSM Chan, WKJ Lam, IOL Tse, KS Bhatia, BCY Zee, EP Hui, BBY Ma, RWK Chiu, AC van Hasselt, ATC Chan, YMD Lo, KCA Chan. Complementary roles of MRI and endoscopic examination in the early detection of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Annals of Oncology. 2019;30:977-982
  7. WKJ Lam, KCA Chan and YMD Lo. Plasma Epstein-Barr virus DNA as an archetypal circulating tumour DNA marker. Journal of Pathology. 2019;247:641-649
  8. WKJ Lam, P Jiang, KCA Chan, SH Cheng, H Zhang, W Peng, OYO Tse, YK Tong, W Gai, BCY Zee, BBY Ma, EP Hui, ATC Chan, JKS Woo, RWK Chiu, YMD Lo. Sequencing-based counting and size profiling of plasma Epstein-Barr virus DNA enhance population screening of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2018;115(22):E5115-E2124.
  9. KCA Chan, JKS Woo, A King, BCY Zee, WKJ Lam, SL Chan, SWI Chu, C Mak, IOL Tse, SYM Leung, G Chan, EP Hui, BBY Ma, RWK Chiu, S Leung, AC van Hasselt, ATC Chan, YMD Lo. Analysis of plasma Epstein-Barr virus DNA to screen for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. New England Journal of Medicine. 2017;377(6):513-522.
  10. WKJ Lam, W Gai, K Sun, RSM Wong, RWY Chan, P Jiang, NPH Chan, WWI Hui, AWH Chan, CC Szeto, SC Ng, MF Law, KCA Chan, RWK Chiu, YMD Lo. DNA of erythroid origin is present in human plasma and informs the types of anemia. Clinical Chemistry. 2017;63(10):1614-1623.