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Our Study Reveals Shorter Sleep Put Adolescents at Risk of Future Cardiovascular Diseases

(From left) Dr. Jade LI, fresh medical graduate of CUHK; Professor Albert LI and Dr. Kate CHAN, both from the Department of Paediatrics of the Faculty of Medicine at CUHK

(From left) Dr. Jade LI, fresh medical graduate of CUHK; Professor Albert LI and Dr. Kate CHAN, both from the Department of Paediatrics of CUHK Medicine



After measuring the Carotid Intima-Media Thickness (CIMT) of 142 Hong Kong adolescents and recording their mean sleep duration, our researchers established that shorter sleep duration is associated with increased CIMT. These results imply that adolescents lacking sleep face higher risk of cardiovascular diseases in the future. Researchers also found that almost 40% of participating adolescents did not get at least eight hours of sleep per night as recommended by the National Sleep Foundation.

The study results were published in The Journal of Pediatrics.

