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CUHK Launches a Population-based Programme to Evaluate and Track Brain Health Status of 5,000 Hong Kong Residents

(From left) Dr. Thomas LEUNG, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics of CUHK Medicine and Professor Jonathan ROSAND, the Co-founder and Co-director of the Henry and Allison McCance Center for Brain Health at Mass General.

(From left) Dr. Thomas LEUNG, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics of CUHK Medicine and Professor Jonathan ROSAND, the Co-founder and Co-director of the Henry and Allison McCance Center for Brain Health at Mass General.



Many causative factors that bring irreversible brain health decline in later years are potentially modifiable in midlife. Yet, in the absence of local population-based data, tailor-made intervention for high risk individuals is not possible.

CUHK Medicine launches the first population-based cohort “CUHK Brain Care Programme”, aiming to depict and track the brain health status of 5,000 Hong Kong permanent residents through free clinical consultations and investigations.

The Programme is in collaboration with Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. This enables the data comparison between Hong Kong and Boston which will be of great interest given the disparity in demographics and disease prevalence.

