Community Educational Health Talk
Division of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care. The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care

- To identify, stimulate and conduct research in key women's health issues
- To develop women and family focused and health-related resources for education and training in women's health
- To provide evidence-based health assessments for midlife and older women and their families
- To establish community partnerships for evidence-based healthcare, health promotion, and health policy development
Project Brief
CRPWH aims at improving women's health throughout their whole lifespan by conducting various research programmes of local relevance. The centre offers a wide range of evidence-based health assessments and nutritional counselling services for women and their families to enhance better understanding of their own health, and encourage preventive measures and early treatment of at risk condition. The centre continues to liaise with community organizations in providing health talks, health information and support.
Major Benefits
Delivery of evidence-based health messages to the public:
The health talks provide good opportunities to convey up-to-date health message to the public (e.g. breast health). As technology advances, people have easy access to a wealth of information from the internet or other media. Through analyses from invited health experts, the general public can have a deeper grasp of the latest research and health advice.
Health talk speakers: Topic: Depression.
A holistic approach
The health talks also focus on the prevention of diseases and promotion of healthy dietary habits and lifestyles. As women play an important positive role, they are able to affect the whole family’s health through modifying their lifestyle habits. Psychological health will also be covered in our talks.
Strengthen self-monitoring awareness:
Opportunities in engaging in simple health assessments (e.g. measuring blood pressure or BMI) can promote self-awareness of health and active approach to health.
Practical exercises to release stress.
Health assessment for the prevention of chronic disease.