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Faculty Education Award 2022

Prof. Alice KONG








Prof Alice Kong
Mypassion for education stems from the day I entered CU Medicine as a medical student. As an alumna of CU Medicine, I am devoted to nurturing future excellent doctors and researchers. All seniors, colleagues and students from CU Medicine are my inspirations.

Prof. Alice KONG, Awardee of the Faculty Education Award 2022

My teaching philosophy is that all students are unique and talented. The provision of a stimulating educational environment where students can develop their own potential is my mission. Given Hong Kong is an international hub and a regional platform in Asia, it is important to stay connected with the world and transform patient care within our region and beyond through our students and research. 


As an endocrinologist in the Division of Endocrinology, my team and I have established an extensive international network and we have been repeatedly ranked first in Asia (US News, Best Global Universities 2020 and 2021). With my international reputation, I have set up overseas clinical attachment opportunities for medical students and am the Founding Director of Global Experience for Medical Students (GEMS).



JOCCD 2020 group photo.

JOCCD 2020 group photo.

With my students after the presentation in JOCCD 2021.

With my students after the presentation in JOCCD 2021.

Throughout the years, I combine teaching with research and provide opportunities for my students to present in overseas meetings and publish their papers in international journals. Through the Global Alliance of Medical Excellence (GAME) set up under the leadership of Dean Prof. Francis Chan, I am the CUHK leader of Transnational Education Initiatives (TEI) project which facilitates educational exchanges and research for undergraduate and postgraduate students. GAME-TEI Student Summer School is an educational exchange program focusing on hot topics of a broad range of interests for international students. My passion to teach and increase international visibility of CU Medicine is not hampered by the COVID-19 pandemic. By working with GAME partners, I started online teaching through a new initiative, Joint Online Clinical Cases Discussion (JOCCD) which offers opportunities for medical students to present interesting clinical cases and lead the discussion under the guidance of tutors through virtual platform.


Teaching is a lifelong process of learning. There are uncountable unforgettable moments during my teaching journey. I still remember vividly the visit to Fukushima with students during the inaugural GAME-TEI summer school in 2019, where we were deeply impressed by the doctors who took care of patients during the disaster of the nuclear plant accident. I believe in "actions speak louder than words" which always reminds me to serve as a role model for my students. 


Inaugural summer school with theme as "Medical Professionalism in a Disaster Condition" organized by GAME-TEI 2019 with a visit to Fukushima.

Inaugural summer school with theme as "Medical Professionalism in a Disaster Condition" organized by GAME-TEI 2019 with a visit to Fukushima.