Schools, Departments & Unit

Schools, Departments & Unit
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Established in 1994, the Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences (CUHK DOVS) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) was the first academic ophthalmology department in Hong Kong. Now a leading ophthalmic institute in Asia, CUHK DOVS provides ophthalmic education to undergraduate and postgraduate students, delivers professional training to ophthalmology trainees and specialists from Hong Kong and overseas, and conducts clinical, basic, and epidemiological research that advances eye care to patients.
CUHK DOVS operates the CUHK Eye Centre. It consists of the CUHK-HKEH Private Eye Clinic which provides subspecialty-based clinical ophthalmic care to the public, and the Clinical Drug Trial Centre which is accredited by the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) for clinical drug trials. Our Research Clinic is equipped with the latest investigative technologies and expert personnel in major eye diseases. We also work on specific areas in our Pao So Kuk Macular Diseases Treatment and Research Centre and the Lim Por Yen Eye Genetics Research Centre. Our research laboratories provide facilities and expertise for molecular, cellular, biochemical, and animal studies in eye disease genes, stem cells, retinal ganglion cells, and therapeutic effects of herbal and small molecules. Our Lee Wing Kit Advanced Ophthalmic Training and Education Centre (AOTEC) raises the standard of our ophthalmic training and education to world class.
CUHK DOVS endeavours to achieve international excellence in clinical ophthalmology and visual sciences. Over the past decade, through the concerted professional and academic efforts of our Department and associated institutions, Hong Kong has become a regional hub for advanced ophthalmic clinical services, research and education.